Each month from now through June 2020, residents of North Philadelphia’s hard-to-count neighborhoods are invited to participate in a theme-based challenge to engage others in our efforts to count all children in the census.

February – Black History Month
Objective: Design a new superhero with the following characteristics–
- Descendant of a significant figure in Black History
- Born in Philadelphia, PA
- Superpowers related to counting
In 300 words or less, describe a person based on the given characteristics with specific details for each category, answering the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why).
Descriptions should be 1-3 paragraphs written in complete sentences emailed to mybaabee@thefratorheruinstitute.org Subject: Black History Month Contest or submitted via www.mybaabeecountstoo.org
For each category, up to three (3) points can be earned for relevance, details, and creativity. An additional point can be earned by choosing ancestors who are heroes but are not very well known. See list of well-known figures in Black History who will not earn points for the contest. Finally, two (2) additional points can be earned by providing a named illustration of the new character. Total possible points: 12
Any school student, age 6-19, residing in Philadelphia zip codes 19121, 22, 23, 30, 32, 33, 40 may submit an entry co-signed by a teacher or parent/caregiver.
Entries must be received by February 29th. Deadline EXTENDED to March 14th.
One winner will be selected by a group of youth participating in a series of workshops designed to facilitate development of the winning character’s origin story and adventure related to the Count All Kids Campaign with the US Census 2020. The winner of a $100 cash prize will be announced at a public presentation to be scheduled in March.

download Flyer
download Rules
download Entry Form